Competitive and Pre-Competitive Team
IMove Competitive Team
If you choose to be a part of the IMOVE Competitive Team, then a Ballet and Leaps and Turns class WILL be required. From there, you can choose if you would like more technique, of course the more technique the more you will benefit! Rehearsal number is also your choice. Again, creating your own package! If a solo or duet/trio is something you are interested in, that instruction can be provided also. Just ask! All rehearsals, solos or duet/trios that will compete must have a weekly class.
IMove Pre-Competitive Team
This program was created to give dancers a taste of what the competitive world is like! Your dancer can stretch his or her legs into dance competition without the full team commitment. After all of their hard work, they will take their first steps onto the competition stage.
Interested In Joining?
We would love to have you as part of our IMOVE team!! If you are interested in joining our IMOVE Competitive Team, please contact Christy Fisher. Also, please check out our Gallery Page to view some of our award-winning competitive routines!